The Name

Why Dual Voltage?

Square peg, round hole.

This is how I have felt most of my life. Never quite able to seamlessly fit in. I'm sure a lot of people feel this way and some just may be better at hiding it. Growing up in Asia with blond hair, white skin and blue eyes doesn't make for easy "blending in". Attending an international boarding school was easier, but I still often felt like I was on the outside, looking in.

My university years in my "home" country of Canada were again filled with faith and identity challenges, for after being out of Canadian culture for so many years, I couldn't really blend in there either.

It's like being a plug that has no socket.

There's a reason it's called "culture shock" - going to a new culture or getting back to your "home" culture. Trying to integrate doesn't always work, sparks fly, the voltage is wrong, you just. don't. fit.

When you grow up abroad and among many cultures, you become acutely aware of the fine print on all your electronic devices; the wattage, amps and voltage required for it to function properly. To make things work we have a bevy of accessories to put to use; plug adaptors, multi-plugs, and transformers.

And this is a little like life; rare is the person who can plug themselves in without a thought or pause. Many more of us, after multi-cultural upbringings or mixed-culture backgrounds take a little longer to find our place in this world. We feel like we're not running at our optimal voltage.

What I'm coming to realize is this; everyone is carrying around some kind of tool to help them adapt. And we won't always find the perfect place, community or tribe to belong to. And that's ok - because this is not the point of this life. There is more to life than feeling comfortable, belonging and "fitting in".

I started this blog as a way of exploring these ideas of culture and belonging, as I was finding my place in a new context and season of life. While I certainly do feel more comfortable and somewhat "settled" in our life here, I am constantly reminded that I am a foreigner in a strange land. And maybe, just maybe, I am getting to the point where that is ok.

As a Christian, I believe no matter where we live, we are, in a sense, foreigners. We belong here, on earth just for a time, and God calls us to be faithful in serving him, and glorifying him through our everyday existence; finding a common belonging in Christ that spans cultures, languages, customs and traditions.

So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. - Galatians 3:26-28

These tensions; of living in the world but not being of the world, of cultural contexts and challenges, these tensions keep me on my toes, keep my eyes on Christ, seeking His word for guidance in this world and my identity as a beloved daughter of God. 

Join me on this crazy journey called Life!