Friday, 17 August 2012

Friday's Letters

Dear Tissue Pompoms - you are so fun and easy to make, you'll be making an appearance at a lot of my future parties. Dear Sunshine - I can't believe you are going to be two in just a few days. Please never grow out of your snuggly phase. I love it. Dear Bubba - Can we please make some potty progress soon? I'm tired of washing poopy pants! Dear Brasil - I am loving this "winter" weather we've been having. Add on a few degrees and I'll be set for the year. Dear laundry - could you please look after yourself today? I've got way too many fun projects to do in preparation for little Sunshine's party next weekend. Dear mother-in-law - Thanks for all your help this morning, it's nice to have you just at the other end of the phone for Portuguese emergencies.

Have a great weekend everyone!



  1. Ohh I want to make tissue poms! Now I need to have a reason for them, ha! Great letters! Happy Friday!

    Significance or Nothing.

    1. Make up a reason! Back to school party? :)

  2. Okay, if you're saying tissue pompoms are this easy, I may have to consider. And while (truly), I'm sorry about the poopy pants, I'm also relieved to know I'm not the only one--was pretty sure that was a unique Epic Fail on the mothering front for me. Love this Friday's Letters idea!

    1. The pompoms are super easy. I found a tutorial through Pinterest (of course;)). And the potty training is finally making slow progress, but it has been a long road for us. Think the little princess is going to be much easier so that's a comforting thought. :)

  3. I love your journal-ly thoughts written in such a "warm" format.
    Love you too .... forever


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