Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Wordless{ish} Wednesday - Medicated

This what the week ahead of me holds...

Both kids were diagnosed with "pre" pneumonia (the doctor had another name for it but I didn't quite catch the Portuguese...) so we are on to another ten day round of antibiotics.

A week full of syringes, face masks (for inhalation), sleepless nights and fussy, whiny, clingy kids. (Case in point - typing this post with a very drowsy sunshine on my lap)
Seriously, antibiotics really seem to make my kids go crazy! Anyone else out there experience that?

Linking up with:



  1. oh my gosh! I know those days and nights well. After 3 days they start to feel better and the medicine is harder to remember without a chart!!
    good luck. and hope they are well soon!!!!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
    happy WW!

  2. Bummer! But if you can stop their infection before it gets worse, it's definitely worth it. My son had pneumonia in March and it either never left or came back recently. Truly hope the antibiotics knock it out!

  3. I can't say that I do! Get better, little ones!


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