Friday, 21 September 2012

Friday's Flowers

Dear Bright Yellow Flowers - you are so bright and cheerful on this grey and slightly chilly day. I love how you are an instant pick-up to the living room. I hope you last all week until I can pick up some more flowers at the weekly market. Dear Market Lady - I find it really random that I have never talked to you, nor bought anything from your stall and yet you still recognize the crazy blond-haired foreigner and ask where my little kids are. Dear Bubba - I know that whenever I find you hiding in a corner, it's because you are up to something, so it was no surprise when I found a half-drunk bottle of orange juice hiding under the table when I started cleaning up this morning. At least it was freshly squeezed and so good for you.  Dear House - could you please stay clean for more than five minutes after the kids get home from school? Dear Weekend - I am looking forward to a relaxing Saturday with the kids and no commitments. Me thinks we'll watch a movie and cook up some good chicken noodle soup and biscuits.



  1. Such pretty flowers!! Love the yellow. Happy Friday!

    Significance or Nothing.

    1. Yellow is becoming a favorite of mine again. Thinking I should maybe start "Friday's Flowers" since I seem to be picking up new ones every week at the Farmer's Market.

  2. I'm pretty jealous of your Saturday. Tell me it was wonderful so I can vicariously feel awesome through you! And love the yellow flowers :)

    1. Well, it wasn't as perfect as I was hoping (kids just trying to kill each other all day) but we did enjoy some pretty good soup and biscuits. :)


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