Monday, 24 September 2012

New Site, New Insight

If you are new here, you don't know what this blog used to look like. It got a much-needed design update just a few weeks ago. As I began to think about redesign, I thought about how I have changed since I last created my blog banner and "look".

Let's look at the old:

and new:

Quite a difference wouldn't you say? And while the white, modern, minimalist look is quite prevalent these days, I began to think that more has changed in my life than just my design sense. 

My old design had the banner, with dark grey and orange, and the overall blog had a much darker look. When I think back to that time it was by no means a "dark" time in my life, but there were a lot of changes that happened all at once. A lot of adjusting to do.

We had just become parents, changed jobs, moved country - all within 5 months. We arrived in Brazil with a very vague game-plan and set up shop at my in-laws. And I was settling into motherhood and a new culture and language. I started my blog a few months after moving, when I was still feeling the full force of culture shock and trying to find my place here. Having lived overseas for more than half my life, it was not an unusual place to be, but still a challenging one. 

I kind of feel my first blog banner embraces some of those ideas; a jumble of thoughts and feelings flying about everywhere with no real purpose or direction, just trying to make sense of it. Looking to my past, comparing it with my present and attempting to find my place in my new world. 

In the past few years, we've settled in, found our own house, the language is starting to come - and I've come to accept certain facts about my life, it's purpose and direction and while I don't always feel "at home" in Brazil I do feel more "at home" in my own skin. Put bluntly, I often feel like this: square peg, round hole. I think my new banner reflects this. 

But as I think about this life, I am glad to feel this way. Because I don't ever really want to feel completely comfortable with this life, this temporary earthly existence. "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:2

I want to be continually challenged and transformed by God's word in my life. I don't want to become complacent and comfortable. 

So most days, I am ok with being a square peg trying to be faithful to what God has called me to - in this round hole-shaped world. 

For more on the name Dual Voltage, check out my updated "About" section.


  1. Cool new look! I love the description behind the old banner and your reasons for making a new one! Well written, dear cousin!:)

  2. I love the expression of your profound thoughts! Changes are never easy, but embracing the challenges they face is a strengthening experience!
    Love you....Mom


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