Monday, 17 September 2012

When a child is sick

When you have a sick little one at home, there's a little tug in your heart, an unsettling feeling that something is just not right. A usually energetic child is sluggish and sleepy, the lightness in their step is replaced by dragging feet and a runny nose, peaceful slumber is displaced by coughing spells and waking cries.
Lucas had chicken pox at 6 months old in 2009. 
When a child is sick it's hard not to feel responsible as a parent, and more so as a mother. When your care is not enough to keep them healthy and thriving. Of course, it is ridiculous to expect that you can always protect your children from the bugs and viruses and illnesses that come their way, but that doesn't stop me from feeling like I could have done more...

After all, we decide what the kids wear - is it too cold for shorts? Too hot for a sweater? Should they wear socks to bed or not?

We decide what the kids eat - more juice, more water, less sugar, less sweets. More veggies, less pasta, vitamins or supplements, the options are endless and often what we do is never enough...

We decide what medicine the kids take - do they need inhalation? More antibiotics? Is their temperature high enough to warrant Tylenol or should I let the body fight the infection? When do we go to the clinic/doctor?

So many decisions made every day, often leave me feeling unequipped and unprepared, always feeling I could be doing something more...

This feels like a regular rotation every month or so...
We have had a rough spell of sickness between our two kids over the past few months, actually this whole year hasn't been the best for our whole family in terms of health and wellness. Counting infections and viruses, Elena and Lucas have taken 7 doses of antibiotics between them since March. And I am not one to rush into taking any more medicines than necessary. I feel the antibiotics just aren't cutting it anymore (might be making things worse?) and am looking into more natural ways of boosting their immune system.

Here are a few of my health goals for the next few weeks (mostly taken from this article here)
 - fresh orange juice and other home-made fruit and veggie juices
 - ground almonds onto their evening meal
 - cod liver oil (since we're not really a fish-eating family)
 - season steamed veggies with fresh garlic

Also found a great article with immune-boosting foods here - so we'll be trying to eat a lot more of those vegetables and foods.

How do you keep your kids healthy?

Linking up with

Jellibean Journals


  1. I always feel so badly when my little one is sick. Like I made a wrong choice somewhere down the line that caused it. Glad to see I am not the only one.

    1. Mommy guilt is a terrible (and at times motivating) thing, huh?

  2. My little one has been getting over a lingering bug or something too. So hard. I ordered some multivitamins for her today hoping to ward off the next cold with some healthy!

    1. We are going to start multi-vitamins too. Here's hoping we both get a spell of health :)

  3. Aww I hope you little ones are feeling better. It is hard watching them not feel well, you are a good mommy taking care of them!

    1. We are finally getting over it, I think. Helps that we are heading into summer here in the southern hemisphere.

  4. Personally, I feel like eating healthy is so so so important for both kids and adults. Also, vitamins!

    I hope your kiddos feel better! Being sick is no fun!

    Found you from the linkup!

    Newest follower!


    1. Mostly all healthy now. Just a persistent cough with one kid. Hoping it's not something chronic like asthma with him!

  5. You're right. It's hard not to feel a little guilty when kids wind up sick, even though it's not really our fault most of the time. We try to keep healthy by limiting processed foods, veggie & fruit eating, and plenty of rest. Hope your family finishes off the year healthy & well!

    1. We limit processed foods too - just so many chemicals! Can't be good for you. My father-in-law is in Costa Rica right now and I thought of you.

  6. I think it's natural to wonder if you did something wrong when your little one is sick. Dont be too hard on yourself, though, sickness is everywhere and we're all bound to catch bugs in the air at some point. What a good mom you sound like! I just found your blog and I have enjoyed getting to know you better... I'm excited to follow along!

    new follower :)

    1. Thanks for following! Mommy-hood is definitely one exciting and challenging adventure!

  7. I'm not trying to push an agenda onto anyone because I know this isn't often possible, but I swear my kids' fairly strong immune systems are a tribute to breastfeeding for over a year for each kid. (In fact, mine seems stronger, too, because I haven't been able to take meds other than vitamins in almost four years since I've been either pregnant or breastfeeding.) I can count on one hand how many times BOTH of my kids have been to the doctor for any reason other than a "well check-up."

    That said, they still get sick a couple of times throughout the year, mostly with colds. I don't know if this is the right choice, but when they do get sick, I usually let nature take its course. It's been working well for me personally and often find it works just fine for them too. I only use the Tylenol/Advil when fevers get exceptionally high (usually over 101) or the kids are in pain. If necessary, I tend to consult the doctor before I'll actually take the kids into the office, and 9 times out of 10, the doctor agrees that we should just monitor them for a couple of days and only take them in if things get progressively worse (which pretty much never happens). My kids have never had antibiotics because I'm afraid that their bodies will eventually become immune to the effect. I know this kind of good look/good science won't last forever, but it's working out for us for now.

    But once it stops, that's when I'll start to panic and question health decisions more.

  8. Both kids were considerably less sick in their first year (full on with breastfeeding here) and I am trying to stay away from antibiotics as much as I can. Unfortunately being in a foreign country (without our own family doctor) sometimes makes it hard.


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