Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Wordless{ish} Wednesday - Pure Sunshine

Isn't she adorable? I love the way the sunshine was hitting her golden hair, I didn't alter these photos at all. We took these at a Baby Shower on Saturday. Can you see why I'd want another little girl?

Linking up with Three in Three and Home of OHM


  1. She definitely is a sweetie!!
    Aunt Barb

  2. oh wow! she is so precious! My daughter has blonde hair right now and I know they say it usually darkens as they get older, but it's so beautiful I hope it stays blonde! ha. newest follower! found ya from Chelsea's page over at YOURS TRULY. excited to read more from ya!

    1. Yes, I hope the blond sticks around too. When I was that age my hair was almost pure white it was so blond, so I think hers might darken in a while. Thanks for following :)


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