Friday, 9 November 2012

Five Minute Friday

This is my first week at joining the Five Minute Friday linkup; the kids are both playing quietly so we'll see if they give me five minutes to write.

Let's go!

You know when life gets comfortable, manageable, almost easy? Routines are in place, kids in school, meals and chores planned? That's when you gotta be careful. We sort of planned a pregnancy and I was in the beautiful stage of being sick all day, but still planning every last detail of how our lives would change with another baby...

Then BAM! A wake up call from God, reminding me, oh so gently, with the presence of two heart beats, that He is in control, not me. We definitely hadn't been planning for TWINS! And each and every day is a reminder to take each day as it comes, trust Him with our concerns and needs and allow our paths to be directed by Him.

So we trust him for the long months ahead, praying for these two new precious lives we hope to add to our family next year.

(my five minutes are up, but I want the record to show that I was interrupted at least twice by my two kiddos :) )


  1. I Think you got a lot in and showed you really have a lot to be thankful to God for. Having twins is going to be twice the joy and twice the challenge.
    I am following you from the hop and would love for you to follow back.

  2. Found you through your ad on Yours Truly & happy to be a new follower!


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