Monday, 31 December 2012

2012 in Review

Lots of people are taking time to look back over the year, taking note of the highlights, seeing how the kids have grown. And since I don't really have any other way that I have been documenting the year, I thought I'd have a go at it too.

*Warning: Lots and lots of photos in this post!* Most of them of my cute kids, so I think you'll survive. :)

January 2012
We were finally getting settled into our tiny little apartment, eagerly awaiting my parent's first trip to Brazil to visit us and get a glimpse of our life and ministry here.
We took my parents up to a touristy hill town nearby, celebrated Lucas' 3rd birthday and of course just enjoyed having them around for the day to day events. 
 Lucas, of course, had a Cars themed birthday party that we celebrated a little late, but with a lot of friends and family.

February 2012
With my parents here, we had to take a trip to the beach. We also enjoyed lots of good meals together, in our home and out and about. It was the kids first trip to the beach!

March 2012
We had a lot of sickness, doctors visits, clinic trips and medicines in February and March.

April 2012
Lucas was going to school every day from 8:00 - 2:00 and because we lived so close (I could see his school from our balcony) Elena and I would walk him to and from school. At this point she was still using her stroller most days. Sometimes Lucas would help.

May 2012
We received a notice from our landlord saying he wanted the apartment. We had 60 days to find a new place and move. Turned out to be a really good thing for our family.
Lucas and Elena were really developing their friendship and learning to play together.

June 2012
We managed to find a nice house only a few blocks from our apartment, and moved in the first week of June. It was the biggest and closest move we've made in our marriage (and we've moved a LOT). We can hardly remember what it was like to live in our tiny apartment. Lucas misses it because we had a playground on the compound.
The movers so kindly deposited EVERYTHING into the living room. Can you find Lucas in this photo?

July 2012
We celebrated my birthday by spending 3 days at the beach! And it was nice to leave our messy house for a few days to relax.
Lucas and Elena really loved the kids pool at our beachside hotel. David especially loved the hammock. We're a little disappointed we don't really have a space for one (or two) at our house.

This was a month I was really looking forward to, as both Lucas and Elena were starting school again!
We also celebrated Elena's second birthday with a party at our house. Poor Elena was so sick on the day of her party that she crashed on the sofa before the party even started. She perked up when all the guest arrived though!
August was also the month I started blogging regularly again. I think I've had at least 3 or 4 blogs over the past, um, 8 years, so I'm glad to be back into it!

September 2012
We were nicely getting settled into routines of housework and school. We enjoyed a nice picnic lunch outside under our carport one sunny Saturday morning. 

September was also the month that Dual Voltage got a big makeover!

October/November 2012
Enjoying fun snacks!
Big news! (October) and Bigger news! (November)

We spent a few weekends at my in-laws, helping to take care of David's grandma while David's parents  were away.
Fun at Grandma's playground and Grandpa's desk.

 Christmas projects. (Didn't get time to blog about it - maybe I'll save it for next year!)
 Trying to get some nice family photos. Elena has changed so much this year! Lucas is just a little taller and skinnier. :)
 Family photo fail. Elena's expression on the right is about how I was feeling about the whole process...
15 weeks pregnant! We had a nice, relaxing family Christmas this year.

Looking forward to 2013, bound to be an exciting and challenging one with lots of changes in our family!

1 comment:

  1. We were just looking at family photos while Grace was in Tacoma and there were a few from a trip to Tacoma when Grace was about the same age/size that Elena is here in the Christmas photos and I can definitely see a resemblance. She sure did change a lot this year! Fun to see the year in review. Happy new year!


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