Friday, 22 February 2013

Friday's Letters - An Unexpected Break

Some photos we took on our long weekend away. 
Dear Pre-school - I'm very thankful you are keeping the kids an extra four hours today so they can attend the Tropical Party. Mommy gets an unexpected afternoon off and the kids get a party - win/win!

Dear Mom - I am so excited that your plane tickets are bought! It's going to be so great to have you here to help with the kids. It will be the first time you've seen me massively pregnant in person. So glad you get to be here to experience a birth with me.

Dear Twins - I am loving how active you are and how much I can feel it. Nothing "alien-esque" yet - but I'm sure that will come pretty soon. I can tell which one is kicking and one of you is definitely more active at this point (but you also have a little more room in there - according to the ultrasound). Now we are onto the hard part of choosing names. Two names is hard! But I guess I could choose one and your daddy the other - that's fair right?

Dear Hubby - Thanks for helping so much with the kids naptime and bedtime this week. Most especially for convincing Lucas that he's not really "too old for sleeping (napping)". That way Momma got some much needed rest in the afternoons. I'm also looking forward to our lunch date today.
Falling asleep on Daddy's shoulder. 

Happy Friday! 


  1. I am so happy your mom gets to come for your birth. That is amazing. My mom was here for all 4 of mine. Such a blessing-for us both.
    HAve fun on your lunch date.=)

  2. Oi, Taara! Que bacana que sua mãe está vindo, heim? Se eu puder ajudar com alguma coisa, conta comigo! Bjos!

  3. How did Lucas and Elena get that big??????????? It should make me happy that they are thriving and healthy, but I just feel sad that I miss out on their lives.

  4. Just found your blog - so happy I did! Congratulations on twins!


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