Sunday, 3 February 2013

The Bump: 21 Weeks

Do you ever get that feeling, "I can't believe this is happening!"? Usually it accompanies the highs and lows of life, the really bad things and the really good ones. Every couple of days it hits me again that we are having twins and I think, "I can't believe this is happening!" In a good way, of course. :) Even with pretty frequent ultrasounds (we've already had three) it is hard to believe there are really two babies kicking around in there. Time is flying by and I'm trying to get a lot accomplished in the second trimester so I can rest a lot at the end, to keep these babies in as long as I can, but be prepared if we have an early delivery. Our goal is to hit 36 weeks (full term for twins).

How far along: 21 weeks as of today (Feb 3)
Development: Babies were looking good at our last ultrasound, and we got an approximate weight of already 200gms each (almost half a pound). They are both developing right on schedule and have similar heart beats, measurements and weights. It's always best for twins if they are growing at roughly the same rate.
Movement: Finally starting to feel their movements every day. The one on the top (side) doesn't have as much space for movement as the other.
Weight Gain: Just weighed myself today and have gained 2 kilos (4.5 pounds). After losing in the first trimester, this seems pretty good.
Maternity Clothes: Definitely. Some pants/skirts I can wear below the belly, but pretty soon it'll be time to get out the real serious stuff.
Stretch Marks: I think I saw a few new ones this week.
Best moment of my week: Going to the beach with my brother, hubby and kids. It was a beautiful sunny day and my big boy conquered his fear of the waves!
Worst moment: Having to wait in a long line late at night and keep the kids under control in the airport saying goodbye to my brother as he returned to Canada. Made me think twice about traveling internationally for a while!
Sleep: Pretty good, although it's taking longer and longer to turn over at night, and I need to do that at least a few times to prevent hip/back pain.
Miss Anything: Being pain free. It's just starting to get uncomfortable at times.
Food Cravings: Everything. My sweet tooth is also coming back, but I'm going to have to keep it in check!
Aversions: Not really. Have had coffee a handful of times, but I still prefer tea these days.
Gender: Ah - well, at the ultrasound only one baby cooperated, so we know that one is a girl, but the other remains a mystery until our next scan in two weeks!
Symptoms: Feeling really good these days now that I'm not sick anymore. Just starting to have some back/hip pain.
Labor signs: None
Belly Button: Halfway out.
Rings: On
Mood: Energized!
Looking forward: Totally unrelated to pregnancy, but looking forward to seeing my sister-in-law and her baby boy who I haven't met in person yet!

And even though it's not really a fair comparison considering we're having twins this time, here's how my other two pregnancies looked at 20-21 weeks:

Want to read my other "bump" updates? 15 Weeks and 18 Weeks.


  1. My twins have been her over a year and I am still in disbelieve I am a mother of twins from time to time. We had the same thing we found out we had a girl but Ben didn't cooperate till the next time. Good luck with everything!

  2. You look fabulous - cute shirt!

    I am only having one baby and I have many of those "I can't believe this is happening" moments :)

  3. You look great! I can't imagine what it is like to be carrying TWO babies as opposed to one! Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy! Thanks for linking up with us for Mommy Moments!

  4. Hi Taara, I’m Anne from Life on the Funny Farm (

    You look so beautiful! That's a heck of a bump ou've got there. Best of luck!

    Thanks for linking this up with the MMM!

  5. Congratulations on your twins! I have a twin sister, and it was truly been one of the biggest blessings of my life. I must admit though I have a hard imagining actually being pregnant with twins. You do look great!

  6. You look great!!! I love the comparison pictures!
    I'm your newest follower! Follow me at
    - Sarah

  7. Congrats on the twins!
    New follower from the mommy blog hop.
    You look great!


  8. Over halfway, look great!!! If you get a moment, check out our baby week on our blog, giveaways and posts all week long!


  9. You look great! Your post was the top viewed at my Mommy MOments link up last week so you will be this weeks feature post. I hope you stop by and link up again!

  10. Wow!! Love these comparisons! Congrats on the additions to your family!! So exciting! Looking forward to following along! New follower!!


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