Monday, 18 March 2013

The Bump: 27 Weeks

How far along: 27 weeks as of March 17
Development: Going to have another ultrasound this week to check on things, but from the amount of movement - they are both doing well! Update: Baby 1 is head down (and most likely to stay that way) and Baby 2 is transverse at the top of my uterus. Hopefully she'll move head down by 30-32 weeks or so. Both girls are over 1 kilo already! (2.2 lbs) and after their ecocardiograph ultrasound the doctor said their hearts are "perfect". 
Movement: Starting to get ripples and waves visible from the outside. They do seem to take turns being active and resting. The best part is feeling some random leg/foot/arm? stretching right up by my ribs.
Weight Gain: Um, I'll update after my doctors visit this week - I don't really make a habit of stepping on the scale. ever. :) Update: Total weight gain this pregnancy: 3 kilos (6.6 lbs). It's basically all in my womb considering both girls together, the amniotic fluid and placentas. 
Maternity Clothes: Oh yes! I was very thankful when my sister-in-law arrived from Canada with a big pile of maternity shorts. It's been very hot and hard to find something comfortable to wear. Of course, now it's cooling down and today I'm wearing jeans!
Stretch Marks: Um, my stretch marks have stretch marks?
Best moment of my week: Getting to see my sister-in-law and her cutie pie son, Kevin. It has also been really interesting to see how Lucas and Elena interact with him.
Summer in Sao Paulo - my kids and I with my sister-in-law Grace and her son Kevin. 
Worst moment: Having to send my little Elena to the emergency room with her daddy this week.
Sleep: Can't seem to get through the day without at least a power nap! Night sleep is still pretty good, but it's getting hard to find a comfortable position. More pillows maybe?
Miss Anything: Seeing my toes?
Food Cravings: Really would love some good coffee, but no matter what I eat I get acid reflux and coffee is definitely not good for that!
Aversions: Nope
Gender: Girls!
Labor signs: Nothing yet.
Belly Button: Out and totally off-center.
Rings: On
Mood: Excited and a little anxious of the transition to a family of six!
Looking forward: Having a baby shower this weekend! I'm sure we're going to get lots of diapers since we don't really need a lot of the other "baby basics". With twins, we are going to need a truck-load of diapers just to get through the first month!

Since I'm expecting a lot of growth in the final stretch, I'll try to keep up with weekly photos.

Want to read my other "bump" updates? 15 Weeks18 Weeks21 Weeks and 24 Weeks

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  1. You are THE MOST beautiful pregnant mama of twins! You seriously look amazing! :) I miss you and really wish I could share some of the fun pregnant moments with you, especially feeling those ripples and roll-overs and random limbs:) Great post! I'm loving your blog these days!

  2. And loved by their Auntie Dawne. Honestly, you must have some serious growing to do in the next few weeks, because you do not look like you are carrying twins! You look radiant.

  3. You are looking great! That is so fun that your sister-in-law could visit, I bet it was nice to have her around. Only 10 more weeks, eek! :)

  4. Totally cute! Thank God for sil lending maternity clothes, eh! That is how I got through all my pregnancies.
    10 more weeks! Unbelievable! Can't wait to see your precious girls.

  5. You look fantastic! I love the belly photo with a letter to your girls. What an incredibly sweet idea.

  6. Wow, only ten more weeks! It'll be here before you know it :)

  7. I love your pictures!!! You are a beautiful model and great with photoshop. :) That idea of a little note for the baby along with your picture is neat. I'm sure they'll treasure that. :) I'm a twin and I just had my third daughter, so I wish you all the best in the last months of your pregnancy and in your daughters' arrival and first months! :)

  8. You look great, I can't believe you're already into the 3rd trimester!

  9. Wow, I had twins and never looked as well as you do!! Congratulations!

    Cant wait to follow your blog now

  10. aw, you just radiate beauty. your pregnancy looks wonderful and what a blessing to have twins. i am so happy for you and cant wait to see your sweet girls.

  11. You look fantastic at 27 weeks. I wish you a happy and healthy (and comfortable as possible) remaining weeks. I know it was difficult toward the end of my twin pregnancy, and I didn't have any to chase at that point. Don't be afraid to ask for, and accept, help in the coming weeks and months. All the best to you your growing family!

    (Holli visiting via Mommy Brain Mixer)

  12. Cute photos. So glad to hear you received a bunch of maternity shorts. If you're anything like me when pregnant, you're hormones keep you feeling hot even in cool temps. Made me laugh to read that your stretch marks have stretch marks. What a funny way to put it :) Hope your weekend is great, Taara! Enjoy your last months of pregnancy!

  13. You're looking pretty cute Taara. I didn't realise it would be hard for me to get used a pregnant body but I'm finally starting to enjoy choosing outfits that help me feel cute. I hope you enjoy(ed) your baby shower, I still need to set a date for mine. xx


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