Thursday, 30 May 2013

The Twilight Zone*

Bright lights overhead, loss of sensation. Dark blue drape cloths, a barrier broken.

New life emerges, cries break the silence of the cold theatre. Time slows, hours slip by drip by drip.

Winding hallways, stark white walls. Rest.

Day becomes night, night becomes day. Snatches of sleep. Glimpses of perfection, awe at the creation of tiny beings.

Long, slow, painful walks. Recovery. Life-sustaining nourishment - one to another.

Life-long bonds created, cherished moments anticipated, the miracle of life celebrated.

Leila and Lisa - 5 days old
*AKA - surviving the first week with twins...


  1. They are precious! Praying for you during this exciting (yet overwhelming) transition in your family!

  2. Aw Taara, It's a tough but beautiful time. We are so thrilled for your family, and are praying that God will uphold you and strengthen you through all the pressures and joys of motherhood! Love you!! --Aunt Nellie

  3. So much experienced, so many memories, so well expressed in so few words...awesome!
    I am so blessed to have shared some moments of your twilight zone experience.
    And, I love you

  4. Awww...the first few weeks are always surreal. I can't begin to imagine what life with twins would be like. Praying for you.


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