Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Easy DIY Christmas Photo Shoot

So a couple of weeks ago on a friend's blog, I was inspired to try a photo shoot with the twins for Christmas. I had hoped to do it some morning while the older kids were in school, but somehow the time got away from me. It ended up happening on a saturday afternoon, just a few days before Christmas. I got my inspiration and instructions from here. Unfortunately all I had to work with was my iPhone so I was somewhat limited. But I still loved what I came out with.

Check it out:
A nice easy set-up which would have been nicer if all my lights were actually working. But we made do. Lucas helped me test it out, and my first subject, Leila, just wanted to get her hands on my phone/camera.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas! 


  1. Those pictures are fantastic! Good job, mommy. Merry Christmas!

  2. Very nice, Taara! Several of these photos are keepers! Love, Mom Portela

  3. Wow, they turned out so good! I can't believe these are phone pictures!


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