About Me

I've been procrastinating writing this page for a long time. The "About Me" page is the one that I click on first when I "meet" a new blog, because I love to see the face and the person behind the writing.

And yet I find it hard to write about myself, to describe myself succinctly and creatively without resorting to the usual list of where I'm from, what I've done, where I've been. I've done a lot of things, been a lot of places and the "where are you from" question is just too hard to answer.

So for now I'll let know you where I am in my life right at this moment - trying to live my life as a daughter of the King, serving Him as I love and minister to my family - a wonderful husband and four kids.

A blog is an interesting and revealing snapshot into someone's life - I hope you'll enjoy the glimpses into mine.

For a few "About Me"-ish posts, check out these:

65 Facts
Some of my "quirky" attributes
ABC's of Me (just need the age and # of kids adjusted a little ;))

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely way to live your life! I think it's a great "about me" page.


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