Friday, 19 October 2012

An Open Letter

To Whom it may Concern:
Do I really have to clean the house today? You know in five minutes it will be just as messy, if not messier than before.

Why is it so expensive to fly these days? I'd really just love to hop on a plane and visit my parents for a while. Never mind how tricky it would be to fly with my two toddlers across two continents...

Speaking of toddlers, why do mine get up so early? I mean, come on, anytime before 6:00am just isn't cutting it for this mom. What can I do? They go to bed at 8:00 - 8:30...

The best gift I could get right now would be an hour to myself with a grand piano and all my sheet music. Pure. Bliss. (Or 4 plane tickets to Canada, but let's not get ahead of ourselves here...)

On a more realistic note, the phone call from the furniture store this morning totally made my day. Our new sofa is being delivered next week! One tiny little love-seat just can't fit our family any more.

Happy Friday Everyone!


  1. that picture is hilarious but oh so true. I wonder why I even bother to clean, but it freaks me out seeing stuff everywhere! and I think kids are just wired to wake up super early, don't know what gives. I swear on weekends when we can sleep in, are the days my kids wake up at the crack of dawn! parenting, sheesh! haha.
    have a happy weekend!

  2. I definitely agree on the plane tickets. Since when did flying get so expensive? I used to be able to get a flight within the continental US for less than $100 each way (thank you, southwest). But lately, they are wayyy more expensive. Makes me sad. Just stopping by from Friday's Letters!

  3. haha that ecard is perfect!

    Happy weekend! Drop by & say hello :)

  4. I love that E-card! I think I have it pinned too. I love your's so cute and you are really funny. Found your blog through the Weekend Blog Walk & I'm your newest follower now :)

  5. Seriously, cleaning with kids is impossible...seriously. And yay for a new sofa. I love getting new things delivered. It's like Christmas! I found you via the blog walk this weekend and am your newest follower!

  6. New follower. This is cute. I always have to clean when my kiddos are asleep. And by then I just want a break. :/

  7. Great letter. I feel your cleaning and cost of flight ticket woes. Hoping somehow you magically find yourself with that piano time and enjoy the new couch. That's exciting! :)


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