Monday, 22 October 2012

Sharing - and Co-Hosting Monday Mom Musings

Sharing. It's something we all have to learn to do. We've all heard the phrase "sharing is caring" and it's one of the big lessons we have to teach our kids. Especially when you have more than one. Before Elena was born I was worried about how it would be raising two kids who were so close in age. But the things I worried about weren't hard at all. Caring for a newborn and a toddler wasn't too bad - after all, I was already a pro at diaper changing, giving baths, breastfeeding, sleep routines and the like.

It was managing my time and balancing the two that became tough - right around when Elena became mobile. Because then she became very interested in whatever Lucas was doing and he wasn't old enough or mature enough to be able to/want to share with her.

Why is it that kids only want the toy that the other is playing with? And once discarded by one, it is often forgotten by the other as well. We are working hard on sharing and taking turns in our house. Distraction is also a widely used technique. I just have to make sure I distract the other one with a quiet toy - anything that makes any noise will immediately attract the other and we have to start all over again.

How do you help your kids to share?
Lucas "shares" ALL the toys and books with Elena in her crib.

We enjoy games and activities that make sharing easier.
Another phrase we use with our kids is, "it's more FUN if you share" - and as adults it's true too! I'm so excited to share the link-up {Monday Mom Musings} with my new blogging friend Jelli from Jellibean Journals. Check it out and share your mommy stories. 

Now it’s your turn! Please join me and link up your {Monday Mom Musings}; anecdotes, game & activity ideas, gems of wisdom, crafts, recent triumphs, or anything else that you’ve learned or would like to share with us this week about parenting.

  • HOW do I link? Read here.
    Mama “MUSTS”:
  • Make a pal! Visit {at least} the two posts ahead of yours & comment!! As I visit every link, I smile to see you all sharing ♥ .
  • Make it family-friendly & kid-related {of course!}
  • Please link to your specific post, not your homepage Optional, but appreciated:
    *Follow me pretty please!
    *Place the Mom Musings button link on your post. Share the party so more mamas can join the fun!
    Button Code (copy & paste):
    <a href="" title= "Jellibean Journals"><img src="" border="0" alt="Jellibean Journals"></a>
    Link up now, Lovelies

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